Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Annual Fundraiser This Weekend

The Neighborhood Cruisers will be hosting their 10th Annual "Cruisin for Kids" Car Show this weekend at North Rockland High School in Thiells, NY.

The Car Show raises funds to help alleviate the financial hardships that come with having a child who has special needs. This year, the Cruisers have selected three families to be the recipients of this year's fundraiser.

For more information on the families, click here.

The annual car show features live bands, local vendors who've supported the Neighborhood Cruiser's efforts, and of course, classic cars from yesterday and today. There's a 50/50 raffle, a DJ, and tons of fun stuff for kids to do.

Most importantly, all the funds go towards a good cause.

Attending the car show? Click here to tell your friends on Facebook!

The Neighborhood Cruisers are a 501(c)3 non -profit organization whose primary goals is the betterment and protection of the community. The organization aids children and adults who are enduring financial and medical hardships.


Quite an awesome day Sept 25th ! You guys were great in every way.. and I am very happy I made it there. So there I was, the next day changing my oil in my much neglected newer truck and couldn't get my oil filter to break loose... And there in your goodie bag was a rubber( First Niagara ) can opener thingy which got the filter to crack free on my Saturn Vue. So thank you for all that your club did that day and thank you for helping me out too...!!! I appreciate every thing that comes my way and try to send out all I can do to help others when they need it too.... Thank You !!

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