Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Neighborhood Cruisers Featured in RC Times Article


On July 30 Neighborhood Cruisers, Inc. held a small car show at Gennaro’s Restaurant in Stony Point to raise awareness for their annual Cruisin’ For Kids Benefit at Clarkstown North High School on August 4.

The event, which included a car display, music, raffle ticket sales for the benefit on Saturday and a contest for best car, was held to aid the family of Gabrielle DiCarlo, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at the age of five.

Saturday’s event will be the 11th annual car show held by Neighborhood Cruisers, which began as a club for car enthusiasts and received nonprofit status to provide community-based fundraising for local children. Club members learned of Gabrielle’s condition through word-of mouth and voted to hold the annual benefit in her honor.

Gabrielle and her family were present at Monday’s car show, enjoying the music, food and car display. Her mother Nicole DiCarlo offered thanks to Neighborhood Cruisers and the local community and organizations in general for the outpouring of support which the family has received and stated that Gabrielle has remained cheerful throughout her treatment and continues to inspire her family.

“With everything that’s gone on with Gabrielle, it’s just amazing the way people have shined and shown how much they care, and we’re very close here,” DiCarlo said.

Club president Bob DuBois stated that past club events have raised a significant amount of money for charitable purposes. DuBois also stated that pre-registration figures for Saturday’s event were higher than past years and indicated that community support for the organization’s goals has likely grown.

“We want to see cars out, we pray for good weather, and the guys and girls will bring their cars out and have them on display for the event and again just for the [DiCarlo] family to come out and enjoy themselves and enjoy the benefit. That in and of itself sometimes boosts the family in what they’re going through,” DuBois said.

The car show is free and will include food, raffles for prizes, a DJ, activities for children, and performances by Flat Five and other bands. Additionally, this is the first year when the benefit will include a swap meet.

If you would like to register your car, motorcycle, or truck for the show, pre-registration is $20. Registration on the day of the event is $25 and will be from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Swap meet participants must set up by 8 a.m. and anyone interested in having their car judged must be registered and parked by noon.

If you would like to make a donation, checks can be made payable to Neighborhood Cruisers c/o Cruisin’ For Kids Benefit 2012 P.O. Box 325 Tompkins Cove, NY 10986.


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