Mission Statement:
The Neighborhood Cruisers are a 501(c)3 non -profit organization whose primary goals is the betterment and protection of the community. The organization aids children and adults who are enduring financial and medical hardships.
The Neighborhood Cruisers are a group of car lovers who have something more powerful than their classic engines and muscle cars; their hearts.
Founded in 2001, the Neighborhood Cruisers found a way to combine their love of cars with a sense of community involvement. Every Monday, throughout the Spring and Summer months, you can find the Neighborhood Cruisers at Gennaro’s; showing off their cars, rocking out to tunes from the fifties, and most importantly, raising funds to help sick children and their families pay off increasingly high medical bills.
The Neighborhood Cruisers hold their annual fundraiser, “Cruisin’ for Kids”, on the first Saturday in August. Cars come from near and far to help the Cruisers put together one of the area’s most fascinating display of cars, motorcycles, and community involvement.
Thank you for visiting our site, and we hope to see you at our next car-hop or at this year’s “Cruisin’ for Kids”.
Contact Us!
Email: info@neighborhoodcruisers.org